<3sARra adIeyba+mAyalEeya<3.,hEE.,skatI jE ak tkar namE dOwng>.<btW,dis is rEally my fIrst tYme bEing hEre,im nOt really g0od in wrItIng fOr sUch dis thIng.,bUt i know dIs will b sO fun^^hOwevEr sorrY fOr da mIxIng langUage.,heheㅋㅋㅋ.,cOz i am a lAngUages lOvER<3~~~sO as fOr da intrOductIon cAll mE dEaNn~n yA im also ~GILAGAMBAR~hehe.,so fOr suRe i will uPload lOts of pIcs hEre^^latEr~~eyy.,xtAo ap nk ckap laa.,~so 내가 먼저 갈께^^(hee.,dAts mEan im gOing fIrst).,so ya.,sEe u gUys latEr^^.,n dO fOllow me k.,
hyE gUys^^.,dis Is sUch an IntrOductIon pIc of mE., ㅋㅋㅋ>.< |
ceyh background.!! xboley belahh..macam kenal je..huehuehue..>.<
ReplyDeleteFYi~dIs nOt 10o% ak pnYe kEje.,~haha.,basIc sArrA y tOlong.,thEn ak jUst f0llow up.,^^